Over the past 10 years, the use of wood in construction in Quebec has changed significantly. New wood products and construction systems have emerged, manufacturers have diversified their offerings, the Construction Code has evolved and interest in wood, a biobased material, has grown substantially. Combined with the introduction of measures to combat climate change, such as the Quebec government’s new Policy for the use of wood in construction adopted in 2020 by the Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks (MFFP), the proportion of non-residential wooden buildings has increased from 18 to 34% in 10 years. This new market dynamic means that wood construction expertise among graduates of college and university programs is more popular than ever.

Enseigner le bois aims to support educators in developing educational materials that can be used to enhance the teaching of wood construction at both the college and university level.

Enseigner le bois aims to support educators in developing educational materials that can be used to enhance the teaching of wood construction at both the college and university level.
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